Dennis Kucinich, with Republicans Defeat Patriot Act Provision and GOP Leadership February 09, 2011 dennis kucinich GOP leaders Ptariot Act defeat +
President Obama must back freedom in the Muslim and Arab world - even against oil January 29, 2011 Egypt Revolution freedom middle east saudi arabia +
A Revolution in Egypt as Dictator Hosni Mubarak Strikes a Defiant Pose January 29, 2011 Cairo Uprising Egypt Revolution Hosni Mubarak Middle east +
Fight For Freedom in Egypt - Tunisia Fire Fanning the New Revolution January 26, 2011 Egypt rebellion freedom fight africa revolution middle east +
Obama Urges Togetherness as He Co-ops Republican Policies in State of the Union Speech January 25, 2011 2011 state of the union BarackObama sotu 2011 +
President Obama Should Highlight Centrist Policies in State of The Union Speech January 25, 2011 2012 elections Barack obama Republican party State of the Union +
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor Fears Birthers - Refuses to Call Them Crazy January 23, 2011 birthers David Gregory Eric Cantor GOP Tea Party obama citizenship +
Tunisia's Fight is a Revolution That Can Light a Path For Others in Africa and Middle East January 22, 2011 Africa Freedom Middle east News Revolution Tunisia Uprising +
Ronald Reagan Believed in the Idea of Amnesty Because He Had Common Sense January 17, 2011 Amnesty GOP immigration reform Ronald Reagan +